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Swamp Fox Adventure Race

March 15, 2025 - Francis Marion National Forest


Until Swamp Fox 2025!







Race Distance: 55-60 miles

Competitors: ​Solo & Two, Three, and Four Person Team Entries


Objective:  The objective of the Palmetto Swamp Fox Adventure Race is to challenge yourself and your team against the elements in the wild leveled playing field of the Francis Marion Forest...

The Palmetto Swamp Fox Adventure Race will be held in the Francis Marion National Forest north of Charleston, South Carolina.  Racers will travel across land, swamp and water seldom visited by man since the elusive Swamp Fox, Francis Marion.

Designed to cover approximately 55-60 miles, with a finishing time between 10-12 hours, Solo racers and teams of two, three and four members will face some of the most challenging obstacles that nature has in this region.  Racers will be required to plot UTM COORDINATES (orienteering) to locate check points while KAYAKING/PADDLING (8 miles), MOUNTAIN BIKING (30-45 miles), and TREKKING (10-15 Miles). The Swamp Fox course is lineal in nature but all points can be collected in any order within each element.


                             Adaptive Teams Welcome!




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